Downtown of a city. Huge bag fullfilled by air. Freeskiers and snowboarders. Jump, fun, adrenalin…
Cagi asked me couple of questions :) |
Universal BIG JUMP Exhibition Zilina 2012 from
Me and other riders attempt the unique event Universal Bag Jump Exhibition 2012. This event was organised for the second time and took place again in Žilina (SVK) at Hlinkovo námestie, 14.12.2012. We had opportunity to show our riding skills to people around.
The view from jumping tower. |
The view of rider before jumping.
My very first jump after one year long break. Straight air, mute grab.
Richie jumping. |
Richie jibbing.
Some people might think bag jump is good for training only. They are right, it is good to practise new tricks jumping to the bag, but not this time. As also Jurko Bernát said, in Žilina it is more about show for people, exhibition and have fun with friends.
Doing interview for POME with Jurko Bernát. |
OX presentation. |
Nice tree. |
Organisers improved event so much this year. Close to bag jump was also podium with live music, dancers (hip-hop, folklor) . Program included also tombola or jumping to the bag from a tower.
It all started after lunch time. Riders was able to jump entire afternoon. Unfortunatelly, in the evening there were problems with engine and rope. Organisers tried to fix it so hard, but riders was not able to jump anymore. As the results were consider jumps from qualification. There were two categories, the best snowboarder and the best freeskier. I was the only freeski-girl jumping there and Zuzka Medlová was the only snowboard-girl.
360 with a mute. |
After jumping we went to Infinitive club, where was the afterparty. It was connected with premiers of Snowgirls The Movie from POME Media House and Back To The Streets from Peter Čaja. You could also see Patrik Paulínyi´s short jibbing movie And you how are you. Party could begun!
It´s a pity that the rope and engine didn´t work. Let´s hope next year this kind of problems will avoid this awesome event!
Thanks to my sponsors Holy Wooly and OX! :) |