Svetoznáme švajčiarske lyžiarske stredisko LAAX leží v Grisons, najväčšom kantóne Švajčiarska, kde hlavné mesto je Chur. Stredisko tvoria tri dedinky - Flims, Laax a Falera. Z každej vedie cesta priamo do strediska.
Zjazdovky majú celkovú dĺžku 235 km a sú lokalizované v rozmedzí 2000 až 3000 m.n.m. Freestyle komunite je stredisko známe hlavne svojimi štyrmi snowparkami na veľmi vysokej úrovni (Beginners, Ils Plauns, NoName, Curnius) a najväčšou halfpipe v Európe, nevynímajú jedinečnú halu Freestyle Academy na tzv. suchú pripravu.
V tomto blogu by som rada ukázala fotky aj z okolia Laaxu, nielen písala o dokonalých prekážkach, milých ľuďoch a príjemnej atmosfére :).
World known Swiss ski resort LAAX is localised in Grisons, the biggest canton in Switzerland where Chur is the capital city. The ski resort is formed of three villages - Flims, Laax and Falera. There is a direct link to the ski area from all three locations.
The slopes has length of 235 km and they are located between 2000 - 3000 metres above sea level. In freestyle community, Laax is well known because of its four snow parks on high level (Beginners, Ils Plauns, NoName, Curnius) and the biggest half-pipe in Europe, also with unique indoor hall for so called 'dry' practise.
In this blog I would like to show photos of surrounding of Laax, not only write about perfect obstacles, nice people and good atmosphere :).
Brand new houses in Laax built just last season have an amazing view. |
Crap Sogn Gion restaurant. |
Iron statue in a local house above Laax. |
Crap Sogn Gion restaurant how iron statue sees it. |
Cow was also part of the house. |
Small guardian of the small swimming pool ... |
... little bit lost in the nature. |
Another fella with beautiful view. |
Landscape with end of the slopes. |
Nature during April ... |
Stunning simplicity. Peaceful cottage. |
Sunset above Flims. |
Flims. |
Shot legend :). |
Falera |
Falera |
St. Remigius church. Read more about it in the legend above. |
St. Remigius church. Read more about it in the legend above. |
Inside the church. |
Detail inside the church. |
inside the church. |
Detail. |
Outside the church. |
Amazing view outside of the St. Remigius church. |