Kombinácia výborného snowparku, skúsených coachov, slnečného počasia a prima partie. To všetko sú ideálne podmienky na jedno z prvých jazdení v sezóne.
A práve Progress Zone Der Die Dach Camp 2014 toto všetko ponúkal.
Ráno sme boli všetci ešte rozospatí, keď sme nastupovali do dvoch bielych VW transporterov v Bratislave. Veď bolo 4.30 ráno. Cesta však ubehla rýchlo a modrá obloha v Rakúsku naznačovala ideálne privítanie.
Na skoro 3000 m.n.m. vysoký kopec sme sa dostali ešte pred obedom. Ako zvieratká vypustené z klietky (nikto nestál na snehu už pár mesiacov) sme sa rozpŕchli po parku Superpark Dachstein.
Prvú ,lekciu' sme dostali asi po hodinke nášho besnenia priamo od Chrisa Turpina, ktorého hádam netreba dlho predstavovať. Tento kanadský freeskier bol vzácna návšteva. Headcoach Momentum Ski Camp-ov (Whistler), headcoach ruskej freeski reprezentácie na Olympiáde v Sochi 2014 a v neposlednom rade všestranný lyžiar a inovátor. Od neho pochádza napríklad trik ,,lazy boy''.
Na úvod sme sa učili čo znamená ,,magic finger’’, dôležitá pomôcka pri jazde na switch. Po pár jazdách sme takto switchovali do beginners parku, kde sme ,hitli’ prvé mini skočky. Poď mi hopa by sa nechytal.
Čas letel a kým sme sa nazdali shaperi už zatvárali park. Tak sme sa s cestou cez obchod vybrali naspäť na ubytko.
Ako to už na campoch chodí, nasledoval chill, varenie, chill, video coaching, chill a zaslúžený spánok.
Ďalšie ránko to s počasím nebolo inak a ideálny sunshine nám spríjemnil deň. Niektorí sa rozbehli na medium line, niektorí potrénovali switch a raily. Chris aj Murgi jazdili priebežne s každým, aby im kecali do jazdenia a tým vylepšovali ich skills :).
Aby nám nebolo ľúto, na tretí deň sa Dachstein zahmlil a pofukoval ,vetrík'. A ako to už na campoch chodí, nás to nezastavilo, veď raily sa dajú jazdiť aj za hmly. Za obeť nám padla lomená bednička v begginers parku, kde si každý prišiel na svoje. Skúšali sme rôzne srandičky či vážne switchupy, náskoky a odskoky a to na všetky možné strany a spôsoby. Poobede sa hmla trošku zdvihla a tak ďalšou obeťou bol wallride na konci parku.
Posledný deň to bola čistá dokonalosť. A keďže bola nedeľa, odrazilo sa to aj na návštevnosti parku kde výnimkou neboli svetoví jazdci. Na tých bola radosť pozerať.
Skoky boli tak príjemne postavené, že sa nedalo odolať. Lietalo sa o dušu, až sa nám nechcelo rozlúčiť.
Ale ako to už na campoch chodí, každý má svoj koniec. Cesta na ubytko a naspäť domov ubehla opäť rýchlo…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A combination of a great snowpark, experienced coaches, sunshine and group of friends. Those are the best conditions for one of the first ridings of the season. Progress Zone Der Die Dach Camp 2014 just offered all of this.
We were still almost sleeping when we stepped in two white VW Transportes in Bratislava. Well, it was 4:30am. However, the traveling was quite quick and bluebird in Austria was a sign of ideal welcome.
Rainbow over Progrez Zone car. |
Weather of 3 out of 4 days was awesome. |
We managed to get to almost 3000 m. high glacier before lunchtime. Like the animals who just got off the cage (nobody was skiing for 6 months at least), we occupied the snowpark Superpark Dachstein.
We were given the first ‘’lesson’’ after approximately an hour of our riding directly from Chris Turpin. I guess I don’t need to introduce this person. This Canadian freeskier was precious visit for us. Headcoach of Mumentum Ski Camps (Whistler). Headcoach of Russian Freestyle team in Sochi 2014 and last but not least passionate skier and freeski innovator. He is author of the trick ''lazy boy'' for example.
We began with learning what ‘’magic finger’’ means. It is a useful tool when riding switch. After couple of laps we switched from the slopes into the beginners park, where we hit first mini kickers.
The time was flying and soon the shapers were closing the park. On the way to accommodation we stopped in the shop for some fresh food.
Sunset was awesome ... |
How it usually goes on the camps like this, we chilled, cooked, chilled, had a video coaching, chilled and went to sleep.
Another day the weather was not different, which was great. Some of us went to the medium line, some stayed to shred the rails and train riding switch. Chris with Murgi was riding with each of us, talking and helping to improve our skills.
Famous Dachstein fellaz. Always hungry :). |
The third day was foggy and windy, so we were not bored by sunshine all the time. And how it usually goes on the camps like this, it did not hold us back because we can ride the rails in the fog too! Our victim was kinked box located in beginners park where everybody could throw something. We tried everything which came to our minds, from all the funny things, serious swith-ups, jumps in, jumps out to all possible sides. As the fog disappeared in the afternoon, we hit the wallride in the end of the park.
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Campers, coaches and Lolo. |
Kickers were so smooth and nice, it would be a sin not to jump. Feeling so comfortable it was hard to say goodbye.
But how it usually goes on the camps like this, everything comes to the end. Travelling back to accommodation and back to Bratislava was again really quick …