Toto miesto je vzhľadom na svoj názov obľúbeným terčom vtipov tipu ,,Včera som bol v Amerike...''. Tento vtip podporený podarenou fotkou môže zmiasť nejedného človeka.
Avšak strýko google každému prezradí, že lom Veľká Amerika sa nachádza neďaleko Prahy, pri dedinke Mořina.
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Miestna flóra. |
So Stevenom sme sa tam šli pozrieť niekedy v júni. Nenápadné parkovisko prezrádzalo len počtom áut, že je tam dobrý dôvod zastaviť. Po predratí sa kríkmi na čistinku sa nám naskytol ten krásny pohľad do lomu s azúrovo modrou vodou. Strmý svah moc nenasvedčoval tomu, že sa tadiaľ dá zísť dole, takže sme sa vybrali naokolo.
Pozostatky železného lana nedbalo pripomínajú, že môže byť nebezpečné priblížiť sa k hrane a že sa tam už stalo pár nepekných úrazov. Vyšľapané cestičky nám nazačujú, kde návštevníci pred nami našli cestu k pekným výhľadom.
Na druhej strane lomu od parkoviska lezieme dolu kostrbatou, štrkovito-skalovitou-blatistou cestičkou.
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Parkovanie je presne oproti. |
Censtou stretávame niekoľko ľudí, ale vzhľadom na to že je chladno, nieje ich príliž. No a pri vode sa dlho neohrievame. Pár fotiek, pozrieť ryby a šviháme naspäť dúfajúc, že nás nezastihne dážď.
Pridávam tiež oficiálnu stránku A teraz zopár fotiek - pozri nižšie. ... Enjoy! :)
Because of the name of this place, it is quite popular to make the jokes like ,,I was in America…’’ to people who don’t know. Moreover this joke supported by nice pic can confuse a lot of people.
However, uncle google will tell you this quarry Big America are located not so far away from Prague, next to Mořina village.
Weird faces. |
I went there with Steven in mid Jun. The parking place was not that visible but the amount of cars revealed there might by something interesting to check. The beautiful view with azure-blue water showed up after getting through some annoying bush. Steep slope didn’t really looked like it want to be conquered on the way down, so we better chosen to walk on the path around. Some broken leftovers of iron rope seemed to be like some reminders it is not safe to walk closer to the edge and that there were several serious injuries already. But from our path there were small ways which led to the edge. I guess it was from the visitors finding the best views.
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Fishy... |
On the other side of the quarry we were climbing down by the sketchy, gravel-like way mixed with mud and rocks.
We met couple of people but according to fact it was not that worm there were not too much of them. And next to the water we are not staying too long, just enough to make some pics, check the fishes. Than we were quickly walking back to the car hoping the rain will not ruin the moment.
The trip was short but lovely. I also found official web of the quarry (CZ only) And now some pics … Enjoy! :)
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Looking at the water from the edge. |