RedBull Rapids na konci septembra 2015 rozhýbal Liptovský Mikuláš.
Crazy faces with Dominik :D. |
Originálna vodácka akcia od obľúbeného energy drinku sa po Bratislave v roku 2013 presunula tento rok práve na Liptov.
Liptovský zbojníci taktiež nezaváhali s prihlásením. So svojim Zlatým Zbojníckym zVozom prešli výberom a dostali sa medzi 40 finálových posádok, ktoré šli na vodu.
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Detail. |
Zbojníci! :) |
Test. |
Deň pred akciou prebehla skúška plavidla. Obojživelný zVoz fungoval ako na kolesách tak aj na vode a nám spadol kameň zo srdca! Predsa len, kto videl ten kolos, nie každý veril, že plávať aj bude :) …
Zamračené počasie a studený Váh na adrenalíne nikomu neubrali. A keď zVoz prežil aj oficiálnu skúšku v deň Dé sobotu 26. septembra, stačilo už len spraviť show pre porotu, tanečky pred cestou na vodu a prežiť samotný splav dole rozbúreným kanálom.
Niektoré značky aj jednotlivci dali hlavy dokopy. Všakovaké posádky a plavidlá potom lemovali hornú časť vodného areálu Andreja Cibáka. Porota sa skladala z 10 známych osobností, napríklad majteľa areálu Andreja Cibáka, športovcov ako Adam Žampa, Zuzka Vráblová, Jana Dukátová až po známych youtuberov a blogerov, napríklad Goga a Selassiho. Plavidlá a posádky získavali body za tri časti, a to kreatívne predstavenie plavidla, show na štarte a samotný splav.
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Plavidlá |
Pódum na štarte sa triaslo pod kreáciami vajíčiek na chlebu, nákupného košíka, veselých záhradkárov, futbalistov, bábätiek a ďalších rozšantených ľudí.
Liptovský zbojníci po tom, čo porotu prepadli a ozbíjali ale aj veľa dukátov rozdali, čakali na svoju chvíľu. Pretože Zlatý Zbojnícky zVoz bol jednoznačne najťažšie vozdilo, štartovali na samotný záver.
Je lepšie raz vidieť ako 100x počuť, pozrite si úvodnú show zbojníkov na tomto videu:
Liptovskí Zbojníci sa do cieľa nedoplavili na plavidle a teda nemohli byť kvalifikovaní. Tesne pred tribúnou plnou ľudí ich prevrátilo. Boli to krušné chvíľky, ale všetko dobre dopadlo. A ako druhé plavidlo by získali plný počet bodov.
No na železný rebriňák na vodnou areáli sa bude ešte dlho spomínať :).
Liptovský Mikuláš was on its feet at the end of September 2015.
After Bratislava in 2013, Liptov was the next stop for original white water event from popular energy drink.
Liptovski zbojnici (Outlaws from Liptov) didn’t hesitate for long with signing up for the contest. With their Zlaty Zbojnicky zVoz (Golden Carriage of Outlaws) they made it into the finals along with 40 other floats.
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Maestro Blacksmith, author of the Carriage. |
One day before the event we tested the float. Amphibious Carriage was able to move on its wheels as well as float on the water. What a relief! Still, not everyone seeing the Carriage believed it would be able to float, especially down the white water :) …
Cloudy weather and cold Váh river were not a big obstacles for people to have a good mood. After Carriage surviving the official test as well at the Day ‘D’, September 26th 2015, there were left only show for the jury, show before entering the water and survive the race.
Some brands but also ad hoc crews put heads together. And the result was various types of floats at the top of Areál vodného slalomu Ondreja Cibáka.
The judges were 10 celebrities, for example owner of white water canal Ondrej Cibák, athletes like Adam Žampa, Zuzana Vráblová, Jana Dukátová, popular youtubers and bloggers Gogo and Selassie. Floats and crews were gaining the points in three parts, the first was creative introduction of float, second was show on the start and the third was the race itself.
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Raid of the jury. |
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Comments?? :)) |
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Happy smiling faces. |
Stage at the start was shaking from different kind of creations from ‘eggs on the bread’, shopping basket, cheerful gardeners, soccer players, babies and other joyful people.
Liptovski zbojnici were waiting for their moment after they raid the jury but also gave away a lot of ducats. Because Zlaty Zbojnicky zVoz (Golden Carriage of Outlaws) was the heaviest float on the start, it started as the last one.
It is better to hear once than to hear 100x. Watch their show on the start:
Liptovski zbojnici didn’t finish the race on the boat and that’s why they couldn’t be qualified. The Carriage overturn not far from the finish. It was though moment but all ended well. As the second float they would gain the top core.
Iron ''rebrinak'' at white water will be well remembered :).
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Ducats... ! |
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Outlaws with Adam Zampa. |
Racing down. |